Hello! I am Mohamad Dasuki. I am a Computer and Communications Engineer. My passion is  hardware and software integration.

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Special Skills

Web Design

From crafting visually stunning layouts to ensuring seamless user experiences, I am dedicated to delivering websites that leave a lasting impression.

Android App Development

Harnessing my expertise in Android app design, I combine innovative UI/UX concepts with seamless functionality to create captivating and user-centric experiences.

Python Development

Leveraging my strong Python development skills, I transform complex concepts into elegant, efficient, and scalable solutions.

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Website Project

As a seasoned web developer, I take pride in creating stunning and functional websites that captivate users and drive results. With a meticulous approach, I craft tailor-made solutions that align with my clients' visions, providing a seamless online presence that leaves a lasting impact. Explore my online portfolio to discover the excellence I bring to every website project.